Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Stats and other stuff I forgot!

My friends, Kirsta and Kelly, pointed out that I left out a bit of detail! I did write that post in the hospital after I had been up for 14 hours and been through labor!

This time, again, I went without an epidural. I can honestly say that I really am not in too much pain until I hit transition. By the time I think that I want an epidural it is way too late. My mother in law likes to point out that this time I did yell out once ;).

The Big miss Hadley Girl was 8 pounds 5 ounces. I think most of it is in her cheeks! She was 20 inches long.

Aiden and Hunter adore her. The love to kiss her, freak out when she cries and like to hold her. Hunter was sicker than a dog throwing up this weekend and was really upset that she had to stay away from her.

Life as we know it has changed again. She is a beautiful addition to our family. So far the only complaint I have had is that she is a reluctant nurser. We are pushing through it and I hope to be victorious!!

Any other questions??? I am still running on my preggo brain....

BTW- I gained 28 pounds and I am down 21 already!! I just don't quite look the same ;)


TheSmithLife said...

Go Tara! Congratulations!!! She is so beautiful and I love her name, it's perfect. xoxo

Kirsta 'n co. said...

She certainly IS a beautiful addition - the purple picture is pretty much the CUTEST thing I've ever seen!

CRAAAAZY that you dropped weight so fast! Holy crap. I always dislike the re-settling of my organs as things get back into place, though - yech. The best is when the hips are back to regualr size so pants button again! Good luck with nursing!