Today was one of those days. Nothing to do, no one wanted to play, and Hunter wanted to be "Hunter the
Destructer." She kept grabbing things out of
Aiden's hands, climbing in and out of my lap, and tearing up the car mat that we were driving cars on. Finally, I had enough. We went to the park by our house. That was great for fifteen minutes, then Hunter fell and hit her tooth on the playground equipment. She was bleeding so i decided to take the show back home.
Aiden wasn't very happy with that and cried for 10 minutes about our cruel and
unusual punishment of making him come home. You want to know the thing that distracted him? I pizza made with a tortilla,
spaghetti sauce and cheese. Oh, yeah and the today show! The funny thing is now that they are both asleep I don't know what to do with myself, and I can't wait for them to wake up! They are funny and make me laugh.